Langley FCU Announces Board of Directors

Media Inquiries Kelli Ragland, Vice President of Marketing

Langley Federal Credit Union announced the election of William E. "Gene" Griffith, Jr., Edward G. "Ted" Henifin and Nhu Q. Yeargin to the Board of Directors. The election was held during Langley's 81st Annual Meeting in April.

William E. "Gene" Griffith, Jr. has been a member of the Board since 2008. He previously served as Board Chairman 2013-2015, and currently serves as Chairman of the Policy and Governance Committee. Griffith is Civil Service at NASA/LaRC.

Edward G. "Ted" Henifin has been a member of the Board since 2014. He currently serves as Board Secretary and on the Nominating and Policy and Governance Committees. Henifin is the General Manager of Hampton Roads Sanitation District.

Nhu Q. Yeargin was newly elected to the Board. She currently serves on the Nominating and Policy and Governance Committees. Yeargin has worked at YLS Inc., a full service landscape contractor serving the southeastern Virginia area, for over 25 years.

In addition, Richard A. Biege retires from the Board after 15 years of volunteer service. Biege has been a Langley volunteer since 2002 and has previously served as Chairman of the Board and on numerous committees.

"After 15 years of service, I am proud to say that through the leadership of dedicated volunteers such as Rich, Langley continues to remain committed to our members," stated Langley Board Chairman Lester Wingrove. "I congratulate Rich on his retirement from the Board. We thank him for his dedication and loyalty to Langley."

The remaining Board members include:

  • Debra A. Flores—Director
  • Bruce R. Hoogstraten—Vice Chairman
  • Peter A. Morley, CMSgt. USAF-Ret.—Director
  • R. Lester Wingrove, Jr.—Chairman